1. Seems that people were having trouble finding my blog because of the name
    change, so I went and created a brand new one.

    It is here:

    Or you can visit my new website for links to my shops 
    and to sign up for my newsletter.

    It is here:

    Aren't new beginnings fun?!
    Hope to see you there!


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  2. Hey there.
    Just a little update.
    I went ahead and moved this girl from Etsy to Ebay.
    Which felt really weird, as I have not listed there in years!

    Anyway, you can find her here if you are interested.


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  3. Where the heck have I been?
    Sorry for not checking in sooner.

    I have been busy creating a new website and changing my name!
    (as you can see above)

    The website still needs a lot of work, but you can take a look at it here:

    You can read my bio, view a small sampling of my artwork, find links to all of my shops and sign up for my newsletter.

    I have a small etsy update planned for today at 2PM eastern. 
    That's pretty soon.
    It will include one rather large painting,

    "Counting on Us"

    and a bunch of new mini prints on gorgeous textured paper.
    I just love 'em.

    So feel free to stop by my Etsy Shop and have a look around!

    See you soon!


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  4. You don't need fancy creams or surgery to be beautiful.
    Just smooth out your face and smile!


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  5. A poppy perhaps.



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  6. A friendly "Hey" may just make someone's day.


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  7. “Hope” is the thing with feathers 

    Related Poem Content Details

    “Hope” is the thing with feathers - 
    That perches in the soul - 
    And sings the tune without the words - 
    And never stops - at all - 

    And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard - 
    And sore must be the storm - 
    That could abash the little Bird 
    That kept so many warm - 

    I’ve heard it in the chillest land - 
    And on the strangest Sea - 
    Yet - never - in Extremity, 
    It asked a crumb - of me.

    Source: The Poems of Emily Dickinson Edited by R. W. Franklin (Harvard University Press, 1999)

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  8. Well, maybe nothing ASTONISHING has happened around here,
    but things have definitely happened.

    The Pittsburgh Penguins winning their fourth Stanley Cup is pretty astonishing.
    But I really had nothing to do with that.

    Looks like Eli did though.  What the?
    So anyway, that was awesome.  Especially considering their rough start this season.

    What else?
    Mike and I took a mini vacation in May to visit Aaron and
    to be there for the realease of their - Josie McQueen, that is - new EP

    Here they are. Not the show we were at, but still.
    They will be in Pittsburgh for a show on Thursday, and Josh's new band,
    "Deaf White Boxer" is one of the openers.
    No links to them yet.  They are brand new.
    But here is a photo of the deaf, white, boxer who inspired the name. :)

    (Ruca is silly)

    Okay, on to the art portion of my post.

    I made these things since last I was here:

    I  have continued the practice of painting patterns on the backs of my canvas panel paintings.
    It's fun for me, I don't have to waste a canvas on a pattern and it's a fun little surprise for the person who buys the painting.  
    (well maybe not now!)

    I also, just the other day, started adding instant download digital stamps to my
    Etsy shop.
    I really love them.
    They are a bit sketchy looking (okay imperfect) which I love
    and I've even managed to have little bits of the vintage book pages,
    which I use as a base for my paintings, be included in the stamps.

    You can use them for card making (personal and limited use for handmade cards that you sell. see listings for details),
    scrapbooking, coloring, collecting, maybe even for embroidery if you print them on fabric. These are the ones I have so far.

    "Big Sweater"

    "She Met Him in the Garden"

    "Black Eyed Susan"

    "Daisy Mae"

    "Hold on Tight"

    "My Intention"

    "Tulip Fairy"

    You can find them in my Etsy Shop for $3 each.
    That may seem like a lot for one image, but you can use it over and over and you
    can download it instantly. (That's fast.) 

    When you do visit my shop, you will notice that it is not quite as full
    as it used to be.
    After using my new printer for only a few weeks it started spitting out prints
    that were just not up to par.
    Until I can get this issue resolved or get yet another new printer,
    I won't be offering prints in my Etsy shop.

    You can still buy prints in my Society6 shop, and I think
    I've mentioned before just how much I love their prints 
    (and everything else there, too.)

    Here are some things I've recently added to my Society6 shop:

    If there is an image you are looking to purchase and it's not in my Society6 shop, just send me a message via Etsy or Facebook or here.
    I will do my best to add it ASAP.

    So that's it.

    Originals and Digital Stamps on Etsy.
    Prints and lots of other fun products on Society6.

    And I still have cards on Zazzle and Greeting Card Universe.
    (there are links up above that will take you to those)

    I'm sure I am forgetting things.
    But I can verify that these things did indeed happen.


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  9. Hello everyone!
    As you can see I've been doing some more dreaming
    about StuDIo Duda. 
    This is how I picture it in my head. Except with lots of dogs and cats in addition to the chickens. :)

    Like these ones.




    Probably a horse or two.

    Casey and another Cookie

    But the dreaming doesn't last long, since there is a lot to be done in real life.

    I've painted and sold a few originals since last I was here.

    Let's see. There was:

    "Work of Heart"

    And then:

    "I Am Listening"


    "You're So Shiny"

    And then I got me some pugs on the brain and made these two:

    "Pug Hug"

    "Pug Life"

    I have made some of these available as prints in my Etsy shop
    and will add the others soon.

    And, in case I haven't mentioned it lately, any print that you purchase from my Etsy shop
    equals a donation of $4 to "A Place to Bark" to help the amazing Bernie Berlin save the lives of countless animals. 
    If you want to help but don't want a print, you can donate here:

    When Bernie mentions this promo on her Facebook page I get flooded with orders, which was the case on Saturday. I was about half way through the printing and my printer stopped giving me usable prints.
    So I ran out to get a new one.
    And so, I can't very well stop selling prints in my etsy shop now like I was considering.
    I've got a brand new printer for pete's sake. :)
    So I will continue to offer prints in my Etsy shop and also in my Society6 shop where you can get larger prints and also many other products.

    Here are some new additions to my S6 shop now:

    I added this pattern (rare for me).

    Around the house, I started stripping the wallpaper in the kitchen.

    I really didn't get much more done than what you see here.
    I'm going to have to make a big mess and I wasn't quite ready to do that.

    I'm going to  have to empty my gram's secretary (there in the corner) 
    and do that wall next.
    Aaron is coming for a short visit tonight.
    I think I will start that mess after he leaves tomorrow.

    (Mark, Jesse, Rene, and Aaron)

    There he is (in the Penguin sweatshirt) with his bandmates and his uncle last weekend.
    Can't wait to hug him!

    Josie McQueen made a fun promo video for their IndieGoGo fundraiser.
    You can see it over on their website
    or go directly to the campaign to watch and/or contribute.
    Any amount will help.

    Then there is this one


    who went and turned 20 on Saturday.
    No more teenagers around here. 

    (Gabby, Ruca, and Josh)

    I don't have a new picture of Eli.
    He's been busy working and going to hockey games
    and being a great friend to people he loves. 
    (I'll have to sneak a picture soon.)

    I watched "Tomorrowland" this morning and
    found it to be so hopeful and inspiring.

    I collected quite a few quotes.
    And I just love the dress Athena was wearing at the beginning of the movie.

    You should watch it if you haven't.
    Even if you find it a bit corny, you still get to look at George Clooney for an hour or so. 

    Talk to you soon!


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  10. Oh, hello.
    Thought I would just drop by to let you know what's been going on around
    here since my last post.

    For one thing, I repainted this little sign for my front door.
    It was a gift from my neighbors and was originally black with Welcome written 
    on it in white.
    It lived happily on our front door for several months, but since we already
    have another sign out front that welcomes with a "welcome"
    I thought I'd change this one to welcome with a "hello".
    (I may still add an "oh" in front of the hello")
    Cute right?

    And, speaking of my house, here is a rarely seen photo of my "studio".
    It is actually my foyer.  Yep, there you'll find me, as soon as you walk in 
    the front door.

    I've started adding a few of my favorite artist/friends works
    that I have collected to my walls for inspiration.
    It was never going to be a proper foyer with me working there, 
     so I figured why not let it's inner "studio" shine. :)
    It's not ideal, but it works for now and I ain't complaining'.
    I do sometimes complain a little when I'm trying to work and this happens though…


    Ruca had a birthday over the weekend. She is 6!
    She was Queen for a Day 
    with whipped cream on her dog food and not 1, but 2,
    trips up to The Mounds for ball catching and fast running.

    As far as artwork goes, I did create a bit of new art since last I was here.
    My favorite, by far, was this set of chickens that I made especially to
    go in these up-cycled Home Interiors frames that my sister-in-law gave me.
    (Thanks, Dee)
    I painted with light blue chalk paint and distressed them a bit.

    The chicken art was created on bits of old cereal boxes and I just love 'em
     and am happy that they were sold as a set.
    I feel like I really created something from nothing with these ones and that is my favorite thing to do.

    I still had a few more chickens in me and so made the one below upon request
    and another to give to my mom for Easter.

    If you'd like some chickens of your own, I've added them to all kinds 
    of things over in my Society6 shop.

    You get the idea. :)

    And I made a few things for Zazzle too, but I haven't added them yet.

    The only reason I've not,  is that my Zazzle shop feels really
    unorganized right now and instead of cleaning it out I am thinking of opening a second
    "stuDIo DUDA" shop and eventually phasing DUDADAZE out altogether.
    Maybe. I don't know.
    I want to take my time and get it just right.  I'm playing around with logos and what not.

    Okay, that's about it.
    I will leave you with a few of my sketchbook pages from the last few days.

    Oh wait.  One more thing...

     On a not so pleasant note, I'd like to add, that I unfortunately
    came across a person that was using my images…
     printing them out, copying them and using them to teach classes to large groups of people.

    She said that I was her favorite artist.
    She has what looks to be a large shop/studio with giant copies of my artwork hanging on the walls.
    She thought it was fine since she told everyone that I was the original artist.
    If you are a fan of an artist, the way to support them is by purchasing a piece of art or a print or card from them.  If that isn't possible just spread the word about their work.
    Or,  just be thankful that the internet allows you to admire the work of so many artists everyday.
    But don't assume that it is yours to use as you please.

    She thought it would help my business. 
    Well, she is from Greece, and I've not sold a single thing from my Etsy shop to anyone in Greece as far as I can remember. This woman included.

    I try my best to watermark everything, but that would not have helped in this case and didn't.
    Just because you are capable of copying someone's work doesn't mean that is ethical or even legal.
    Just because you see art on the internet doesn't mean it's "free art".
    You know, just like chewed gum in NYC isn't "free candy". :)

    You wouldn't go into someone's car just because they left it unlocked and rummage around and take what you want.  I hope. :) Sure they left it unlocked, but you are still the one in the wrong.

    Sure use it to practice and to be inspired. But that's just for you. 
    You really shouldn't post it online, don't sell it, and certainly don't use it to teach other's to copy it.
    If that is something I wanted to do, I would do it myself, because I am the only one with the right/copyright to do it.

    Ok, wow, that went dark real fast.
    Sometimes I have to put things in writing so they can stop eating away at my brain.
    I feel better.
     I'm done now. :)

    Off to make some more art!


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